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Ridiculously Easy Homemade Dill Pickles

Ridiculously Easy Homemade Dill Pickles —-                                                                          from  Primally Inspired!

PUT THEM IN YOUR JAR The recipe calls for a 1 quart jar. You can use any size jar, though! Pack your cucumbers in tight! I can usually pack 1 to 1 1/2 regular large cucumbers in one quart sized jar.

At my farmer’s market, there’s an amazing pickle stand with about 12 different kinds of delicious homemade pickles. They have garlic pickles, super dilly dill pickles, sweet pickles, spicy pickles and all the flavors in between. I love my pickles so the pickle stand was a weekly must stop for me.

…..Until I realized how ridiculously easy it was to make my own pickles. I’m talking really, really easy. I can’t stress to you how simple this is. Like so easy I could kick myself for spending so much of my hard earned money at the pickle stand for years and years when I could have been making them myself all this time. No canning, no special equipment – just water, salt, spices and your cucumbers! Easy peasy.

This will literally take you 10 minutes tops and in 3-7 days, you’ll have the best homemade pickles in town. I like to make a bunch of jars of pickles at one time while I have all the ingredients out. I can knock out a couple jars of pickles in no time flat.

The recipe down below is a basic recipe for old fashioned dill pickles and it’s my very favorite, cut right out of a falling apart old, old church recipe book that I think was my grandmother’s (best kind of recipes, right?!).  But, I also like to experiment with the spices, add some hot peppers to one jar, add extra garlic to another jar – you get the idea.

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you about the second best part of this recipe – or maybe it’s the first best part, I can’t decide between this and how easy they are. These pickles are lacto-fermented, which means they contain the really good, beneficial bacteria (probiotics!). So eating these will help heal our gut lining, provide anti-inflammatory benefits, give us better digestion, strengthen our immune system, and turn us into super heroes. Okay maybe not so much the last part, but I sure feel like a super hero when everyone who eats these pickles tells me how amazing they are :)

Ridiculously Easy Homemade Dill Pickles

Makes 1 quart sized jar



2 cloves of garlic

2 sprigs of fresh dill (the flowered heads of the dill taste the best for these pickles, so use them if you can get them)

½ tsp coriander seeds

¼ tsp mustard seeds

¼ tsp whole peppercorns

1/8 tsp red pepper flakes

2 cups of water

1 T sea salt

optional ingredients:

handful of fresh grape, raspberry, oak, blackberry or cherry leaves (these types of leaves supply tannins, which help keep the pickles crispy and crunchy)

onion or a clean rock piece to weigh the cucumbers down and keep them submerged in the brine


Decide what size pickles you would like and cut your cucumbers into your desired size. Keep in mind that sliced cucumbers will ferment faster than whole cucumbers. Pack your cucumber slices into your jar. Pack them tight! Add the spices on top. Mix the water and sea salt together until the salt is dissolved. Pour your water/salt over the pickles. Leave about an inch of space between the water and the top of the jar. All the cucumbers must be submerged in the water. If you are having trouble getting them totally submerged, you may need to add a “weight” to the jar to keep them submerged. I like to add a big chunk of onion. Not only does the onion give great flavor, but it does a good job of keeping the cucumbers under the water. You may also add a clean rock if you don’t want to use an onion.

Put a top on your jar and leave on the counter for 3 days. Test a pickle on day 3. If it is to your liking, put the jar in the fridge. This stops the fermentation process. You won’t have to worry about keeping the pickles submerged once they go in the fridge. If the pickles are not to your liking, keep testing them each day. You know they are perfect when they taste great to you and they still have their crunch. If you leave them out on the counter too long, they will lose their crunch and get really soft so it’s important to put them in the fridge when they are to your liking. No one likes a limp pickle ;)

If you start to see a white film or mold on top, just skim it off. It is harmless (just yeast!), but it will impact the taste of the pickles, so you want to skim it off as soon as you see it.

Your pickles will keep for 6 months in the fridge. Enjoy!

Step by step picture instructions:

CHOOSE YOUR CUCUMBERS Pickling cucumbers are the best for making pickles, but any cucumbers will work. I use plain old regular cucumbers most of the time because I can get them easier. I will say that  regular cucumbers have more seeds and sometimes don't get as crunchy as the pickling cucumbers. Mini cucumbers are also great for pickles!

Pickling cucumbers are the best for making pickles, but any cucumbers will work. I use plain old regular cucumbers most of the time because I can get them easier. I will say that regular cucumbers have more seeds and sometimes don’t get as crunchy as the pickling cucumbers. Mini cucumbers are also great for pickles!

CUT YOUR CUCUMBERS INTO YOUR DESIRED SIZE You can leave the cucumbers whole, but they take longer to ferment. You can cut them in halves or in spears or even cut them in coins. The smaller you cut them, the shorter the fermentation process.

You can leave the cucumbers whole, but they take longer to ferment. You can cut them in halves or in spears or even cut them in coins. The smaller you cut them, the shorter the fermentation process.

PUT THEM IN YOUR JAR The recipe calls for a 1 quart jar. You can use any size jar, though! Pack your cucumbers in tight! I can usually pack 1 to 1 1/2 regular large cucumbers in one quart sized jar.

The recipe calls for a 1 quart jar. You can use any size jar, though! Pack your cucumbers in tight! I can usually pack 1 to 1 1/2 regular large cucumbers in one quart sized jar.

MEASURE YOUR SPICES Some tips on spices: The flowered dill heads taste the best, but use what you can find. I only had the sprigs of dill this time so that's what I used. I also ran out of coriander seeds, so ground coriander it is this time around! Get creative with your spices if you are feeling brave. Want your pickles extra hot? Add some more red pepper flakes. Want them super garlicy? Add some more garlic. Have fun with creating your own homemade pickle creations!

Some tips on spices: The flowered dill heads taste the best, but use what you can find. I only had the sprigs of dill this time so that’s what I used. I also ran out of coriander seeds, so ground coriander it is this time around! Get creative with your spices if you are feeling brave. Want your pickles extra hot? Add some more red pepper flakes. Want them super garlicy? Add some more garlic. Have fun with creating your own homemade pickle creations!

ADD THE SPICES IN YOUR JAR Once you figure out your spices, add them right on top of the cucumbers.

Once you figure out your spices, add them right on top of the cucumbers.


MIX YOUR WATER AND SALT AND ADD IT TO YOUR JAR You will need 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of sea salt for every quart. If your jar is bigger, just make another 2 cups water/1 T sea salt mix and add it to your jar. You want to completely cover the cucumbers but make sure to leave a one inch head space so the gases can release in the fermentation process. Your cucumbers MUST be submerged at all times during the fermentation process. If they are not staying down in the brine, you will need to "weigh" them down. If this happens, I like to use a cut onion to weigh them down. The onion gives great flavor and does a really good job of keeping everything submerged in the water. You may also use a clean rock.

You will need 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of sea salt for every quart. If your jar is bigger, just make another 2 cups water/1 T sea salt mix and add it to your jar. You want to completely cover the cucumbers but make sure to leave a one inch head space so the gases can release in the fermentation process. Your cucumbers MUST be submerged at all times during the fermentation process. If they are not staying down in the brine, you will need to “weigh” them down. If this happens, I like to use a cut onion to weigh them down. The onion gives great flavor and does a really good job of keeping everything submerged in the water. You may also use a clean rock. Once the pickles are submerged in the brine, put the lid on the jar and leave it on your counter. If you see a white film or mold develop on top, open the jar and skim it off.  This is harmless (it’s just yeast!), but it can impact the flavor of the pickles so skim it off as soon as you can if you see it.


TEST YOUR PICKLES On day 3, open your jar and taste test a pickle. If it tastes great and is crunchy, then it's done and you need to put the jar in the fridge. If the pickles aren't ready, put the lid back on and try again the next day. Keep testing the pickles everyday until they taste great to you - this takes between 3 and 7 days. If your house is warm, they will be ready on the lower end of the spectrum. If your house is cool, they will take longer.  Also, once they are to your liking, make sure to put them in the fridge right away so the fermentation process halts. Remember you want your pickles to taste great and still be crunchy. If you leave them out on the counter for too long, the pickles will get soggy and limp - and no one likes a limp pickle ;)

On day 3, open your jar and taste test a pickle. If it tastes great and is crunchy, then it’s done and you need to put the jar in the fridge. If the pickles aren’t ready, put the lid back on and try again the next day. Keep testing the pickles everyday until they taste great to you – this takes between 3 and 7 days. If your house is warm, they will be ready on the lower end of the spectrum. If your house is cool, they will take longer.
Also, once they are to your liking, make sure to put them in the fridge right away so the fermentation process halts. Remember you want your pickles to taste great and still be crunchy. If you leave them out on the counter for too long, the pickles will get soggy and limp – and no one likes a limp pickle ;) Once the pickles are in the fridge, there is no need to keep them submerged in the water. They will keep for 6 months in the fridge. Enjoy your homemade pickles!

Top 10 Foods to Eat Daily for a Healthy Immune Response…

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook: www.facebook.com/naturalcuresnotmedicine

Staying well while those around you sniffle and sneeze requires that you extract as much nutrition from your diet as you can, loading up on the foods that pack the biggest nutritional punch.
Avoiding processed foods, grains and sugar will go a long way toward strengthening your immune system. However, you can do even more by selecting foods that are loaded with the specific immune boosting nutrients.
1. Fermented Foods
If you are serious about boosting your immunity, then adding traditionally fermented foods is essential.
One of the most healthful fermented foods is kefir. Kefir is an ancient cultured, enzyme-rich food full of friendly microorganisms that balance your “inner ecosystem” and strengthen immunity. Besides kefir, other good fermented foods include natto, kimchi, miso, tempeh, pickles, sauerkraut, yogurt (watch for sugar), and olives.
Friendly bacteria have a powerful, beneficial effect on your gut’s immune system, your first line defense against pathogens, and aid in the production of antibodies.
2. Raw Organic Eggs From Free-Range ChickensBefore you wrinkle up your nose, raw eggs are an inexpensive and amazing source of high-quality nutrients that many people are deficient in, especially high-quality protein and fat. I am a proponent of raw eggs because they have been so helpful to my own health.
As long as you have a good source for fresh, organic raw eggs, you need not worry about salmonella. To find free-range pasture farms, try your local health food store, or go to http://www.eatwild.com orhttp://www.localharvest.com.
3. Coconuts and Coconut Oil
Besides being excellent for your thyroid and your metabolism, coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which converts in your body to monolaurin. Monolaurin is the actual compound found in breast milk that strengthens a baby’s immunity.
A great deal of research has been done establishing the ability of lauric acid to enhance immunity. This medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) actually disrupts the lipid membranes of offending organisms.
When selecting coconuts and coconut oil, make sure you choose organic ones that are unrefined, unbleached, made without heat processing or chemicals, and non-GMO.
4. Locally Grown Organic Vegetables
When it comes to fighting off pathogens, you simply can’t do any better than eating a variety of fresh, organic and preferably raw vegetables for the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes they contain. However, the amount and type of vegetables you should eat daily will depend on your nutritional type.
Make sure the veggies you choose are fresh. The nutrient value drops to practically zero once a fruit or vegetable is canned. For example, take a look at the ORAC value of peaches.
ORAC Values
ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, and an ORAC unit or ORAC “score” is a standardized method of measuring the antioxidant capacity of different foods and supplements. The higher the ORAC score, the more effective a food is at neutralizing free radicals. The less free radicals you have, the healthier you will be.
Back to Peaches
A raw, fresh peach has an ORAC score of 1,814. A can of peaches in heavy syrup has an ORAC score of 436, meaning that more than 75 percent of the antioxidants are lost in the canning process.
You can check the ORAC score for many different things at www.oracvalues.com. The higher the score, the better. Please be aware, though, that the total antioxidant capacity of a food alone does not determine its health benefit, which depends on how it is absorbed and utilized by your body. ORAC score is a useful guide, but it is only part of the picture.
5. Blueberries and Raspberries
Blueberries and raspberries rate very high in antioxidant capacity (ORAC of 6,520), compared to other fruits and vegetables. Wild blueberries in particular are potent immune boosters. They contain powerful phytochemicals, such as anthocyanin, which is the pigment that gives blueberries their color. And they are lower in sugar than many other fruits.
Blueberry juice contains tons of fiber, and is also very high in Vitamin C. One of the qualities of antioxidants is that they can lower inflammation, and so there’s some indication that blueberries may have some effect on age-related cognitive abilities. And don’t forget that blueberries are very low in calories.
6. Mushrooms
Mushrooms strengthen your immune system because they are rich in protein, fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium and other minerals, and even vitamin D – one of the only foods that can provide you with this essential immune strengthener.
Mushrooms make up a large part of the fabric of the earth. According to Paul Stamets, one of the world’s leading authorities on the health benefits of mushrooms, one cubic inch of soil can contain eight miles of mycelium.
Mushrooms also contain powerful compounds called beta glucans, which have been long known for their immune enhancing properties. The beta glucans in medicinal mushrooms (especially Reishi, Shiitake and Maitake) are notable for their ability to activate/modulate the immune system.
Beta glucan enhances immunity through a variety of mechanisms, many of which are similar to those of echinacea or astragalus root. For example, it binds to macrophages and other scavenger white blood cells, activating their anti-infection activities.[iv] Numerous studies support this.
7. Chlorella
As foods go, chlorella is nearly perfect.
Chlorella is a single-cell freshwater algae that acts as an efficient detoxification agent by binding to toxins, such as mercury, and carries them out of your system. It is the chlorophyll in chlorella that makes it so powerful. Chlorophyll helps you process more oxygen, cleanses your blood and promotes the growth and repair of your tissues.
8. Propolis
Propolis is a bee resin and one of the most broad-spectrum antimicrobial compounds in the world, if not the broadest spectrum, according to master herbalist Donnie Yance. Propolis is also the richest source of caffeic acid and apigenin, two very important phenolic compounds that aid in immune response.
9. Teas
Green Tea and Matcha
Matcha is the most nutrient-rich green tea and comes in the form of a stone-ground powder, completely unfermented. The best Matcha comes from Japan and has up to seventeen times the antioxidants of wild blueberries, and seven times more than dark chocolate.
Green teas are rich in polyphenols, in the form of natural chemicals called catechins. The most powerful catechin in tea is epigallocatechin (EGCG), which was found in one study to be 25 to 100 times more potent than antioxidant vitamins C and E. And Matcha is more than 100 times as potent in EGCG as regular brewed green tea.
Tulsi tea, coming from the holy basil herb, has been used for thousands of years in the Ayurvedic medicine of India. Not only is this tea loaded with antioxidants, but it has multiple positive health benefits, including supporting your immune health, memory, heart health and vision.
White Tea
The anti-bacterial and anti-viral effect of white tea has been found to be even greater than that of green tea. White tea extract may help inactivate bacteria, viruses and fungi that affect humans.
10. Herbs and Spices
Herbs and spices are at the top of the list of high ORAC value foods on planet Earth. There are simply too many good ones to summarize here! So I will simply highlight a few that deserve special mention.
Although not at the top of the ORAC chart (5,346), garlic is incredibly beneficial to your immune system because it offers a triple-whammy: it’s antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal. You should be eating garlic every day. One of the best things about garlic is that bacteria, viruses, and yeast build up no resistance to it, unlike with synthetic antibiotics.
For optimal benefits, garlic should be fresh since the active ingredient is destroyed within one hour of smashing the garlic cloves. In other words, garlic capsules are basically useless.
Garlic contains allicin, a chemical that is anticarcinogenic. It also has been shown to lower LDL, lower total cholesterol, lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of blood clots and stroke, lower homocysteine, and even prevent insect bites — including mosquitoes and ticks.
Herbs and Spice and Everything Nice
Immunity from common infections involves not only preventing pathogens from taking hold, but also moderating the immune response to invading pathogens.
Complications arise when you experience an over-response to the infection, which is why H1N1 is taking its toll on healthy young adults. Their bodies are over responding — something called a “cytokine storm.” It’s basically a severe inflammatory response.[vi]
One wonderful thing about plants (and herbs especially) is that they don’t all stimulate the immune system—some modulate it, or act as a buffer.
Here are some of the best herbs and spices for building a strong immune system that functions correctly:
* Honeysuckle and chrysanthemum: good antivirals
* Artemisia: antimalarial
* Andrographis, aka “King of Bitters”: antiviral, and helps modulate inflammatory response
* Licorice: buffers the inflammatory response by increasing steroid output by the adrenal glands; a good buffer if your immune system is over responding to the flu.
* Turmeric: ORAC score of 159,277; general immune system booster due to its high antioxidant capacity, and an anticancer agent as well; turneric is 5 to 8 times stronger than vitamins C and E, and even strong enough to scavenge the hydroxyl radical, which is considered by some to be the most reactive of all oxidants
* Black Pepper: Increases the bioavailability of just about all other foods–herbs and other things
* Oregano: ORAC 13,970; active agent is rosmarinic acid, a strong antioxidant; one tablespoon of oregano has the antioxidant capacity of one medium apple
* Cinnamon: ORAC 267,536; powerful antimicrobial agent—found to kill E. coli and many other bacteria; also has antiinflammatory compounds
* Cloves: THE BIG ORAC GRAND PRIZE WINNER AT 314,446, highest of all foods tested! Contains eugenol; its mild anaesthetic benefits are useful for toothaches and sore throats; good antiinflammatory
Dr. Joseph Mercola cited an interview with herbalist Donnie Yance, who shared his basic remedy for flu, should you come down with one.
Make this special tea from a combination of herbs that synergistically cause your body to sweat – which is very desirable if you want to eradicate a virus from your system. And then drink it hot and often:
1. Elderflower (used for hundreds of years for flu)
2. Boneset (eupatorium)
3. Yarrow
4. Linden
5. Peppermint
6. Ginger
By incorporating some of these fantastic foods, you’ll not only evade the circulating viruses but improve your overall health and longevity at the same time.

Read more at http://www.naturalcuresnotmedicine.com/2013/07/top-10-foods-to-eat-daily-for-healthy.html#qszBvUZvtPQsIm3q.99

10 Useful Garlic Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

10 Useful Garlic Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

“Since garlic then hath powers to save from death, Bear with it though it makes unsavory breath.”
Salerno Regimen of Health (12th century)

Not long ago, I wrote a post about the amazing health benefits of garlic, but so much more deserves to be known about this wonderful herb. I’ve put together facts and findings that will help you put garlic to even better use. Here they are:

  • Raw, freshly minced garlic has the most health benefits. If you cannot stand the smell and must cook it, you need at least four and a half cloves to get the same effect.
  • Although garlic is sometimes called “the stinking rose,” it can actually cure your rose plants from aphid attacks. Simply mix crushed garlic with water and spritz the leaves and flowers with the spray.
  • Drinking lemon juice or eating a few slices of lemon will stop bad garlic breath.
  • The flavor of garlic is most intense just after it has been minced.
  • Garlic applied on wounds can heal them faster. During World War I, this healing quality of garlic was harnessed intensively by British soldiers.
  • A crushed clove of raw garlic, gently rubbed on skin, can zap a pesky pimple. The secret: a powerful compound called allicin, which makes garlic among the most antioxidant-rich foods on earth.
  • Sprouted garlic loses some of its health benefits, but can still be used.
  • A Pennsylvania University research found that a compound called Diallyl disulfide in garlic could shrink bowel cancer cells. An important Washington State University study has conclusively proved that this compound is 100 times more effective than other antibiotics in easing bacteria-borne digestive ailments.
  • What’s the ideal dosage of garlic for you to derive all its amazing health benefits? The University of Maryland Medical Center, recommends daily 2 to 4 g of fresh, minced garlic clove; 600 to 1,200 mg daily if using aged garlic extract; two 200 mg tablets three times a day if using freeze-dried garlic; 4 ml daily of fluid garlic extract; 20 mL daily of garlic tincture or 0.03 to 0.12 ml three times daily if using garlic oil.
  • Not all is good about garlic and it is certainly not for everyone. Those on blood-thinning medication must not take garlic, because it inhibits the clotting of blood. For the same reason, garlic should not be taken before a surgery.

Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/11-useful-garlic-facts-you-probably-didnt-know.html#ixzz2ezgtNBDr

Six signs you are gluten intolerant – and don’t even know it

May 1, 2013 at 11:39 am

by Dr. Amy Myers

More than 55 diseases have been linked to gluten, the protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. It’s estimated that 99% of the people who have either gluten intolerance or celiac disease are never diagnosed.

It is also estimated that as much as 15% of the US population is gluten intolerant. Could you be one of them?

Six common symptoms of gluten intolerance

(1) Gastrointestinal (GI), stomach, and digestive problems. These can include one or more of the following: gas, bloating, queasiness, abdominal cramping, constipation, diarrhea, or an alternating combination of both – IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

(2) Headaches and/or migraines.

(3) Diagnosis of an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, lupus, psoriasis, scleroderma or multiple sclerosis.

(4) Emotional issues involving chronic irritability and sudden, irrational, mood shifts.

(5) Neurological issues. This may include dizziness, difficulty balancing, and peripheral neuropathy affecting nerves outside the central nervous system and resulting in pain, weakness, tingling or numbness in the extremities.

(6) Fatigue, brain fog, or feeling tired after eating a meal that contains gluten.

Most of these symptoms are common to other health issues and diseases. That’s why identifying symptoms alone and trying to tie them to gluten intolerance is difficult.

Am I Gluten Intolerant?

The best way to determine if you are indeed gluten intolerant is to go on a gluten-free diet for 60 days. If you feel you can’t or won’t, that may already indicate you’re addicted to gluten. We are often addicted to things we’re allergic to.

That gluten-free diet would include wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut, oats, and triticale which are grains with gluten. Quinoa, buckwheat, and sorghum grains are gluten-free. So is rice.

How to treat gluten intolerance?

Eliminating gluten 100% from your diet means 100%. Even trace amounts of gluten from cross contamination or medications or supplements can be enough to cause an immune reaction in your body.

The 80/20 rule or “we don’t eat it in our house, just when we eat out” is a complete misconception. An article published in 2001 states that for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity eating gluten just once a month increased the relative risk of death by 600%.


Seek out a local homeopathic doctor or integrative medicine specialist who can test you and your family for gluten intolerance.

Source: Mind Body Green

Drink one beet, one carrot, one apple, and maybe lemon or lime…


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Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook: www.facebook.com/naturalcuresnotmedicine


This “MIRACLE DRINK” has been circulating for a long time. It is worth your while to take note. There is a celebrity Mr. Seto who swears by it. He wants to make it public to draw the attention of people who have cancers. This is a drink that can protect bad cells forming in your body or it will restrain its growth! Mr. Seto had lung cancer. He was recommended to take this drink by a famous Herbalist from China. He has taken this drink diligently for 3 months and now his health is restored thanks to this drink! It can’t hurt to try!

It is simple. 
You need one beet root, one carrot and one apple that combine together to make the JUICE!

Wash the above, cut with the skin on into pieces and put them into the juicer and immediately you drink the juice. You can add some lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.

This Miracle Drink will be effective for the following ailments:
1. Prevent cancer cells developing. Restrain cancer cells growing further.
2. Prevent liver, kidney and pancreas disease. (Reported to also cure ulcers.)
3. Strengthen the lungs, prevent heart attack and high blood pressure.
4. Strengthen the immune system .
5. Good for eyesight, eliminate red, tired eyes or dry eyes.
6. Help eliminate pain from physical training, muscle ache.
7. Detoxify, assist bowel movement, eliminate constipation. Therefore it will make skin healthy and look more radiant.
8. Improve bad breath due to indigestion, throat infection,
9. Great for preventing and killing acne problems.
10. Assist Hay Fever Sufferer from Hay Fever attack.

There should be no side effect, highly nutritious and easily absorbed. It’s very effective if you need to lose weight. You will notice your immune system will be improved after a 2 week routine. Drink immediately from the juicer for best effect.


Read more at http://www.naturalcuresnotmedicine.com/2013/08/miracle-drink-kills-cancer-cells-must-read.html#9q06ASkI5WyiBkP7.99

Bananas — Eat when skin has dark patches on the yellow skin…


Nature’s Cancer Prevention – Vitamin B17

Have you ever heard of vitamin B17?  Maybe you have heard of its other name – Laetrile.

Americans cannot access vitamin B17 because the FDA took it off the market in the 1970s, and removed it from the B-Complex vitamins. It is unlawful for any health practitioner to administer this vitamin to patients. Apricot seeds are the best source for B17, but they have also been removed from the shelves of every health food store and natural market throughout the USA. Limited research has been conducted on vitamin B17 since 1977. Once it was banned, it was forgotten.

According to research from years ago, provided by nutritionists and medical scientists, vitamin B17 is a natural cyanide-containing compound that gives up its cyanide content only in the presence of a particular enzyme group called beta glucosidase or glucuronidase. Miraculously, this enzyme group is found almost exclusively in cancer cells. If found elsewhere in the body, it is accompanied by greater quantities of another enzyme, rhodanese, which has the ability to disable the cyanide and convert it into completely harmless substances. Cancer tissues do not have this protecting enzyme.

So, according to past scientific knowledge, cancer cells are faced with a double threat: the presence of one enzyme exposing them to cyanide, while the absence of another enzyme found in all other normal cells results in the cancer’s failure to detoxify itself. Leave it to nature to provide a form of cyanide that can naturally destroy a cancer cell. The cancer cells that are unable to withstand the cyanide are destroyed, while the non-cancerous cells are not threatened by the cyanide, and, therefore, remain unharmed. Never underestimate the body’s potential!

Vitamin B17 is found naturally in many foods. If you eat foods containing vitamin B17, your body will know what to do next. All other animals in nature instinctively do this. Consider it nature’s cancer prevention. If only modern medicine would allow it.

Research on the effects of B17

San Francisco’s Ernst T. Krebs, Sr., M.D. discovered the healing qualities of vitamin B17 in 1923. His sons, Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., PhD., and Byron Krebs, M.D. continued their father’s research in 1952, refining Laetrile’s (B17) nutritional qualities.

From their research, the Krebs believed cancer was not caused by an outside invading force but rather by malfunctions of the normal mechanics within the body itself. They identified cancer as a “deficiency disease.” The body’s malfunctions, according to their research, were the result of a deficiency of certain chemicals found in food, a deficiency of chemicals they specifically identified as vitamin B17, as well as a deficiency of enzymes known as trypsins produced in the pancreas.

The Krebs had discovered a natural, drugless method to help prevent cancer. But their discovery wasn’t original. Years prior to any of the Drs. Krebs’ works, Drs. George B. Wood and Franklin Bache, M.D. published a reference volume in 1833 in which they described amygdalin, derived from B17, as a common treatment for a wide range of diseases and disorders.

Vitamin B17 is also referred to as a nitriloside, which is the foundation for Laetrile, amygdalin, and prunasin. Together with the pancreatic enzyme trypsin, these can form a natural barrier against cancer growth. If foods containing any of the nitrilosides are eaten regularly, the body’s own immune mechanisms can naturally battle cancer-forming cells. But if foods containing these critical vitamins are not regularly consumed (or manufactured), nature’s mechanisms can’t work as effectively against the buildup of factors at the root of cancer and the countless number of degenerative diseases.


This is happening to human beings today. Not only are advanced societies environmentally polluted to dangerous levels, but also more and more foods are being altered from their natural state by man’s own doing. Modern freeze-dried, fat-free, sugar-free, calorie-free, weight-watchful, microwavable artificial food substitutes don’t contain nitrilosides. Most food manufacturers don’t even know what nitrilosides are. Never in human history have artificial foods saturated with preservatives and unhealthy chemicals dominated the food supply to the degree they do today. Modern nourishment is no longer nourishing.

In the late 1970′s, Dr. Harold W. Manner, PhD., Chairman of the Biology Department at Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, studied the overall value of Laetrile (B17). His work was well respected and considered among the first unbiased studies since the Krebs’ in the 1920s. He reported Laetrile as being virtually non-toxic.

When Dr. Manner used Laetrile in his medical research, along with vitamin A and digestive enzymes, he discovered the production of antibodies was stimulated against spontaneous breast tumors in his laboratory mice. He studied the results of complete regression in 76 percent of the treated mice with mammary gland cancers.

Dr. Manner believed Laetrile received its best results when used in conjunction with digestive enzymes, a traditional balanced diet, and with vitamin A.

No physician has had more clinical experience with Laetrile than Ernesto Contreras, Sr., M.D. of the Contreras Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico, formerly The Oasis Of Hope Hospital. Dr. Contreras has clinically used Laetrile for more than forty years on thousands of terminally diagnosed patients, and has received impressive results.

One of Dr. Contreras’ patients was a man suffering from severe colon cancer. Using Laetrile treatments in conjunction with detoxification protocols and proper vitamin supplementation, Contreras was able to arrest the progression of his patient’s cancer. The man lived more than fifteen years beyond his predicted death.

The following is a list of foods rich in vitamin B17:

– Apricot seeds

– Watercress

– Spinach

– Bamboo sprouts

– Alfalfa sprouts

– Lentil sprouts

– Whole nuts

– Mung bean sprouts

– Ground nuts

– Garbanzo sprouts

– Apple seeds

Common Table SALT Himalayan Pink

PERSIMMON: ‘Fruit of the gods’ heals cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more


Wednesday, September 04, 2013 by: Carolanne Wright
Tags: persimmonssuperfruithealthy benefits



(NaturalNews) The season for persimmon is almost upon us, which brings a wonderful opportunity to enjoy all the health enhancing features of the fruit. Containing abundant fiber, antioxidants and protective compounds, persimmon packs a serious nutritional punch. Easing a wide variety of health conditions, persimmon has long been held in high esteem by Traditional Chinese Medicine. As we enter into autumn, now is an excellent time to explore all the outstanding benefits of this vibrant fruit.  Health shines with the sunny persimmonNative to Asia, persimmon also grows wild throughout the United States, South America and Israel. Round and reddish-orange, persimmon resembles a tomato in appearance. Referred to as “fruit of the gods” by the ancient Greeks, this brilliantly colored edible relieves numerous health complaints.

Traditional Chinese Medicine states that persimmon is sweet and cooling. It assists in balancing the yin moistening fluids of the body while regulating “chi.” Persimmon has been classically used to lubricate the lungs, treat bronchitis and calm coughs. The fruit also eases constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids, ulcers and hypertension.

Modern medicine recognizes the therapeutic value of persimmon as well. Research in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that persimmon is more effective at healing heart disease than apples. Shela Gorinstein, a research associate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, believes the high level of fiber, phenolics, trace nutrients and minerals “make persimmon preferable for an antiatherosclerotic diet” compared to apples. According to Gorinstein, consuming a single medium-sized persimmon each day is enough to curb cardiovascular disease.

Persimmon also alleviates diabetes. A study at the Toyo Institute of Food Technology in Japan discovered that persimmon peel extract effectively improved insulin resistance in rats. When the rodent diet was supplemented with the extract over 12 weeks, the expression of insulin signaling pathways were significantly enriched – leading to improved receptor sensitivity.

Brimming with flavonoids, tannins, betulinic acid and shibuol, persimmon is an exceptionally protective food. The presence of catechin and gallocatechin tannins help to limit cellular oxidative damage and reduce blood pressure as well as serum lipid levels. Betulinic acid and shibuol specifically target and dissolve cancerous tumors, while abundant flavonoids protect against DNA mutations.

When selecting fresh persimmon, look for plump fruit with a full green cap. Round fuyu varieties are the most sweet and least astringent. Additionally, a potent antioxidant caffeine-free tea can be made from persimmon leaves.








About the author:
Carolanne enthusiastically believes if we want to see change in the world, we need to be the change. As a nutritionist, natural foods chef and wellness coach, Carolanne has encouraged others to embrace a healthy lifestyle of organic living, gratefulness and joyful orientation for over 13 years. Through her website www.Thrive-Living.net she looks forward to connecting with other like-minded people who share a similar vision.

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Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/041902_persimmons_superfruit_healthy_benefits.html#ixzz2eOsOrXYL